John and Kizzie lived most of the 40s in and around the little town of Anniston, Missouri. By the time they moved from Anniston into East Prairie all their children were grown and had moved out. Bertha was the last Littrell (Thurman) to move from Anniston, taking her family to Charleston, Missouri. Several of John’s sons would list Anniston on their enlistment papers as their residence when enlisting for World War II and/or Korea.
reposted from 03/12/06
This spring I was in southeast Missouri doing some research for a family history on the family’s of my grandfather, John Daniel Littrell, and his brother James Carroll Littrell. The particular information I was looking for was the military service of their sons. While visiting the libraries of Mississippi and New Madrid Counties I was amazed at the number of enlistees from the two counties during World War II and the Korean conflict. During WW II virtually every issue of the area newspapers listed 50, 75, 100 local boys reporting for service. The numbers were staggering when one considers that this was not a densely populated area. While contributing more than its fair share of young men to the war effort these numbers could not have been achieved without many families sending more than one son off to war. In John Littrell’s family alone five sons and two son-in-laws served between 1941 and 1952.
The last stop on this particular trip was a visit to the cemetery located in Anniston, Missouri to obtain a photograph of
Lindsie Prior “Bordie” Thurman’s headstone. Bordie was an Army Air Corps Veteran of World War II and the husband of Bertha Ann Littrell, John Littrell’s third daughter.
While growing up I had spent several summer vacations with my grandparents John and Kizzie (Comer) Littrell in East Prairie, Missouri and lived for a short time in Marston, but was only vaguely familiar with those areas. I had heard of Anniston and knew that my grandparents had lived there prior to settling in East Prairie but had never actually been there. Upon arriving in Anniston it was obvious that the little town had seen more robust times, I probably had unrealistic expectations based on family stories from my youth. Gone were the theater, school, and café that were prominent in those recollections.
Upon finding the cemetery I began looking for Uncle Bordie’s headstone. As I searched I became aware of two oddities concerning the little cemetery.
The first oddity was that the population of the graveyard appeared to be close to or greater than the population of the town (288). This by itself is not unique; I have visited hundreds of cemeteries in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri over the last ten years, and have seen many towns where the dead outnumbered the living. What was different about Anniston though was that neither the town nor the cemetery appeared to be as old as the other towns that had this same situation.
The second oddity however was very unique. As I wandered among the headstone it struck me that a large portion of the headstones had ‘Veteran Plaques’, eventually this realization was overwhelming so I started counting the headstones that were those of veterans. By the time I found Bordie’s headstone it was apparent that anywhere from a fourth to a third of the occupants of Anniston Cemetery were veterans of WWII and Korea. I have never seen such a large percentage of veterans in any post civil war cemetery. If you figure that half of the occupants of the cemetery are females then that means more than half of the male population in the quaint little cemetery served their country. Even if the population of Anniston during this time was twice as large as it is now the contribution of this little town was a significant portion of the male population when you consider that the cemetery only represents residents and former servicemen who chose to be buried there. I myself know of at least 5 former residents (brothers) and veterans of this period who were not buried here: Les, Red, Rubin, OJ and JD Littrell.
As Veterans Day approaches and our thoughts are focused on veterans past and present the people of southeast Missouri should be proud of the contributions of the many families in the area during this century. While John and Kizzie Littrell had five sons and two son-in-laws serve their country and at least 11 grandchildren do the same, it should be recognized that the service of their descendants and of communities such as Anniston is more representative of what patriotism is than the chest thumping and rabble rousing that all to often passes as patriotism.
Let us pray for our troops and pray against the conflicts that put them in harms way
Glenn Littrell 03/12/06
The above information is from: Military Role Call: The Littrell Family of Mississippi County, Missouri, The Littrell Family Journals Volume IV. (click here)
also: Littrell Family Veterans Video
Anniston Cemetery
reposted from 2013: 216 / 244
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