This site highlights the families of Timmons Seburn & Mary Catherine [Urban] Litterel their ancestors in Tennessee and their children (Suzie, Lesley, Mary Mozella, James, Eli and John) descendants. This includes the allied families of Urban, Landtroop, Sandy, Smith, Ellis, Ezell & Comer.

Thursday, November 29, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Littrell Family Luncheon: Dec., 5, 2018
Descendants of John & Kizzie Comer Littrell
If you aren’t a member of the family’s Facebook group e-mail your RSVP to:
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Colonel John Luttrell: Battle Of Lindley's Mill
reposted from 10-20-2015
As mentioned in a previous article I was unable to locate the actual Battle Field that Col. John Luttrell had died on, but had found the current location of Lindley Mills and one marker referencing the battle.
I have located the actual location online and the following is from that website:
"On September 13, 1781, the largest engagement of North Carolina’s “Tory War” took place near Thomas Lindley’s mill. In the aftermath of Lord Charles Cornwallis’s invasion of North Carolina in the spring of 1781, a prolonged civil conflict erupted in the Piedmont. With no regular forces actively campaigning in the area, Whig and Loyalist militias openly attacked each other as well as neutral parties. Loyalist Colonel David Fanning, leader of the Loyalist militia in central North Carolina, had received approval from British authorities in Wilmington to attack the state capital at Hillsborough. Fanning led 435 Loyalists from central and western North Carolina. He had been reinforced by two small bands of Tories from Cumberland and Bladen counties led by Colonels Archibald McDougald and Hector McNeil, raising his overall force to nearly 700 men.
At dawn on September 12, 1781, under the cover of a heavy fog, Fanning’s men brazenly entered Hillsborough, taking the town by surprise and capturing 200 prisoners, including most of the General Assembly and Governor Thomas Burke. Having thoroughly plundered the village, Fanning and his men, their prisoners in tow, departed for Wilmington in the afternoon.
Word of the disaster reached Brigadier General John Butler of the North Carolina militia that evening. Butler, who had led North Carolina militia at Guilford Courthouse, quickly organized men from Orange County to intercept the Tory force. Accounts differ on how many men Butler raised, but a 350-man force is the best estimate. His second-in-command was Colonel Robert Mebane, a Continental army veteran. Another Continental army veteran, Captain Joshua Hadley, arrived that evening with a small company of Whigs from Cross Creek, augmenting Butler’s force to nearly 400 men.
Butler’s men arrived ahead of Fanning at Lindley’s Mill, near a ford across Cane Creek on a plateau overlooking Stafford’s Branch. On the morning of September 13, as the Loyalists crossed, a musket volley from the tree line on the opposite bank tore into their ranks. At first the Loyalists balked, and Colonel McNeil ordered a retreat, but was rebuked by Colonel McDougald who accused him of cowardice. McNeil, infuriated by the remark, instead led a charge toward the Whig position but was immediately cut down by rifle fire and killed.
Hearing the gunfire at the head of the column, Fanning rode to the front, ordering the prisoners to be housed in the Spring Friends Meeting House in the rear. Although outnumbered, Whigs pressed the head of the Tory column back toward the chapel, apparently intent on freeing Burke and the other captives. Fanning then organized an assault that flanked Butler’s men, threatening to surround his forces. Just as he began driving Butler’s men from the field, Fanning received a serious wound in his arm that shattered the bone and severed an artery. He left the column in McDougald’s command and retired from the field. Pressed on both front and flank, Butler retreated, and Fanning’s column continued on to Wilmington with the prisoners.
That night, local Quakers collected the dead and wounded on the field. Whig casualties consisted of 25 killed, 90 wounded and 10 captured, while the Tories lost 27 killed and 90 wounded. Surgeons from the surrounding countryside were called upon to help administer to the wounded. Among them was Dr. John Pyle, who earlier that year had led his Loyalist militia regiment into an ambush at Pyle’s Defeat. Putting aside his earlier allegiances, Pyle worked tirelessly for the injured of both sides. In return, Governor Alexander Martin pardoned him at war’s end."
To place the above information in Context to Col. Luttrell the Reverend Caruthers describes the death of Colonel John Littrell and the battle:
"Several of the highest officers on both sides were killed and nearly an equal number of each. These were men of much merit as officers, and their death was a great loss to their respective parties. On the Whig [American] side Major John Nalls and Colonel Lutteral were among the slain...."
"...Colonel Lutteral was also killed about the close of the battle and was a great loss to the country. He is said to have been a brave and valuable officer; but his men thought him too severe in his discipline… Having advanced at the head of his men within pistol shot of a Tory from Randolph, by the name of Rains, who was in the act of loading his rifle, and fired at him with his pistol but without effect. He then wheeled his horse and dashed off, to get out of reach before the other would be ready to fire; but Rains, having finished in time, leveled his gun at him, when at full speed, and shot him through the body. He did not fall but rode to a house about half a mile distant, where the good people took him upstairs and furnished him with a bed and every comfort in their power. While lying there bleeding and dying, he dipped his finger in his own blood and wrote his name upon the wall. The house stood there as a Monument of the Cane Creek Battle and of Colonel Lutteral's death until about seven or eight years ago; and the Colonel's name retained its color and brilliance until the last. There were two men belonging to Fanning's troop by the name of John Rains, father and son, and McBride says that John Rains, SR., was killed at the battle of Cane creek…"
- LITTRELL and LUTTRELL HEROES In the WAR for American Independence [All Spellings]: By KARL DEWITT LITTRELL [decsd] with NANCY LITTRELL GOLDSBERRY
- Patrick O’Kelley, Nothing But Blood and Slaughter (2004), III
- Algie I. Newlin, The Battle of Lindley’s Mill (1975)
- William S. Powell, ed., Encyclopedia of North Carolina (2006)
- Eli Caruthers, Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character, Chiefly in North Carolina (1854)
The above information is from: Military Role Call: The Littrell Family of Mississippi County, Missouri, The Littrell Family Journals Volume IV. (click here)
also: Littrell Family Veterans Video
Monday, September 10, 2018
Two More Civil War Ancestors Discovered: Southern Unionist Served In Union Army
updated from 10-29-17 post: typo correction.
Stith J. Landtroop was the Uncle of our
John Daniel Littrell and Cassandra Urban
was John’s grandfather.
Farmer Cassandra Urban [age 36] and his brother-in-law, Stith J. Landtroop [age 16], enlisted in Company B of the 1st Alabama Cavalry Regiment. three days apart (February 3-6, 1864) in Pulaski, Tennessee.
Cassandra was described as 5’8” tall dark hair, dark eyes, and dark complexion. He is listed as deserting* in Mooresville, AL, on April 13, 1864, the same day he is also shown as ‘mustering in’ at Decatur, AL.
Stith is shown as deserting* in Rome, GA, on August 15, 1864 with his carbine and equipment.
*from Teaching : “I have found that most of the men said to be deserters in the Adjutant General's reports by State and their CMSRs actually served honorably and were mustered out from a "second" regiment. I believe these men received permission to transfer but the adjutant for their "first" regiment simply failed to note the order.” this appears to be the case with Cassandra and Stith as they obviously didn’t desert. GlennDL
Free State of Nickajack:
Nickajack was made up of loosely defined regions of Alabama and Tennessee where popular sentiment remained loyal to the Union, and were decidedly anti-slavery.
There had been increasing talk of secession by the politicians representing wealthy plantation owners in the Black Belt. Hill country residents in the Nickajack areas, however, were typically poor dirt-farmers and rarely slave owners. They believed a war of secession would be "a war for the rich, fought by the poor," and they wanted to have nothing to do with it.
Composed of parts of Southeast Tennessee and North Alabama, Nickajack was home to many Southern Unionists who resisted the yoke of the Confederacy and attempted to form their own state – to be called Nickajack – from parts of both states.
The residents of these parts of Alabama and Tennessee had little in common with the wealthier parts of the state. Plantations and slaves were scarce in the Nickajack region, as was agriculture like that of the central and southern parts of Alabama and the central and western parts of Tennessee. There was little support for secession or the Confederacy in the Nickajack region.
One in ten southern soldiers served in the Union Army.
Southern unionists were not threatened by Lincoln’s election but saw him more as a blank slate. They were willing to give him a chance as president and did not see the federal government as any threat to their property rights.
Family Civil War Story:
All my life I have heard a story about how our male ancestors had to hide in the woods during the day, come out to work the crops at night, and crawl under the house to be fed through the floor boards by the women folk, for fear of being discovered and forced to go off to war.
When I got older and started to do research on our family history I found several flaws in the story:
- Virtually every southern family has such a Civil War story.
- The story was always assumed to be about a Littrell ancestor, but our Littrell Ancestor (Eli Literal) did serve in the Confederacy for most of the war until his death at Tunnel Hill.
- The children of this ancestor were two young to of ever been under threat of being forced to serve. Specifically our direct ancestor, Timmons Literal.
I approached Aunt Onene about my concerns and she was a little offended that I doubted the story. She emphasized that she heard the story many times from her grandmother Mary Catherine Urban Literal. This further complicated the story because Mary Catherine was not married to Timmons during the Civil War, both were too young, so it couldn’t be our Timmons. At the time we had no information on our Urban ancestors serving during the Civil War.
It wasn’t that I doubted Aunt Onene, I’m sure she heard the story from her grandmother, but I did start to think that she might be mistaken about which Grandmother. Her grandmother on her Ezell side of the family (Cynthia Poteet Ezell) was the spouse of a Civil War veteran,a southern unionist.
It has been my experience that most family tradition/myth/stories are factual in their nature, just absent of facts after being told so many times for so long. Another family story (an Ezell story) has been handed down for generations about four brothers (three Union and one Confederate) serving during the war. As it turns out the facts are that it was an Uncle and three nephews (two were brothers). So you see, factual, but with inaccurate facts.
The problem with the theory that it was Cynthia feeding her boys through the floorboards was that her oldest son was only 5 at the start of the war.
At this point I accepted the possibility that the story was more than likely about a non-direct family member. An Civil War family closely connected to Mary Catherine or Cynthia. That Onene did hear it from one of them, most likely Mary Catherine, and as the story was told it it became less and less accurate.
Until now. The discovery of above mentioned Stith and Cassandra and the information on the Nickajack region sheds new light on the story as follows:
- Virtually every southern family has such a Civil War story: This observation is no less true than when pointed out above, but the story of the southern unionist in the Nickajack region corresponds to the enlistment of Stith and Cassandra.
- The story was always assumed to be about a Littrell ancestor, but our Littrell Ancestor (Eli Literal) did serve in the Confederacy for most of the war until his death at Tunnel Hill: We rule out our Littrell ancestor because he enlisted in the Confederacy, meaning that his late age entry after years of not serving was less likely to be ideological. On the other hand with Stith and Cassandra (one was too old to be conscripted and the other too young) their decision to enlist in the northern army points towards an ideological motive. It would also point to them, at least Cassandra, having anti-slavery/secessionist motives.
- The children of this ancestor were to young to have been under threat of being forced to serve. Specifically our direct ancestor, Timmons Literal: Mary Catherine is brought back into the story through her mother (Susannah) by her father and uncle. As an anti-slave/anti-secessionist, Cassandra’s late enlisting could have placed him under the floorboards for the preceding years of the war. The fact was that at age 36 he still couldn’t just come out of the woods to work the farm and claim that he was no longer subject to the draft. This may have forced him to face the fact that the war was not going to end without more civic participation.
On the night of July 14,1862, Chris Sheats, spoke to a gathering of unionists telling his fellow Alabamians that the time had come join the army of the United States and fight the Confederacy “to hell and back again.”
“Tomorrow morning I am going to the Union army…I have slept in mountains, in caves and caverns, till I am become musty; my health and manhood are failing me, I will stay here no longer till I am enabled to dwell in quiet at home.”Refusing to serve the confederacy was not a minor infraction. The penalty was anything from forced service to death. Cassandra would have had to remain hidden until the war was ended…one way or the other unless he enlisted.
In addition, Stith’s enlistment points at the presence of another ‘under the floorboard’ family member. Stith was too young to be conscripted, but if the draft age had not been expanded by this time (even for Cassandra) it would be soon. More importantly, Stith was the youngest of Susannah’s brothers. Four of her other Landtroop uncles could have been hiding under floorboards. Susannah had 4 young children when Cassandra enlisted, which would probably have made it impossible to farm and would have necessitated her moving back in with her father or brothers. Obviously the odds are very high that she experienced the floor board story at some level.
So as you can see it is most probable that Onene was right, she did here the story from her mother, Mary Catherine, but not about Mary Catherine’s husband, but about her father and uncles.
The dangers of being a southern Unionist:
Henry Tucker, a private in Company B, of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, US,(the same company as Cassandra and Stith) was arrested by the Home Guard at his home in Marion County and tortured to death. He was tied to a tree, castrated, his eyes removed and his tongue cut out before he was literally skinned alive. He is buried at Hopewell Cemetery, south of Glen Allen, Ala.
But Tucker’s vicious death was avenged. Home Guard leader Stoke Roberts who personally directed the torture of Tucker, was eventually caught by a group of unionists near Winfield. They took a long iron spike and drove it through his mouth and out the back of his head and nailed him to the root of a big oak tree.
In an irony not lost on modern historians, the Confederacy, created to preserve the principle of states’ rights over the primacy of the central government, instituted the draft by act of the new central government. Passed by the Confederate Congress in April 1862, it imposed manpower quotas on the individual states. Every able-bodied white male between the ages of 18 and 35 was subject to military service. Each state was required to produce a certain number of men for the Confederate armies. If a state’s quota wasn’t filled by volunteers, the men must be conscripted. In the hill counties of the Southern states, including north Alabama, volunteering fell far short of the numbers required. Frustrated at the refusal of these “tories” to see the light, Governor Frank Shorter of Alabama sent conscription parties, most composed of Home Guards, into the northern counties with leave and license to coerce their reluctant neighbors into the Confederate army. To refuse meant jail at the very least, and, quite possibly, death. To make matters worse, through much of the war north Alabama was occupied by the forces of both sides, and groups of bushwhackers, many of them deserters from both armies, sprang up to prey on the people. Farms were burned, livestock, goods and money looted, and murder was not uncommon. Little wonder, then, that these men, set upon in every conceivable way by their fellow citizens, chose to take up arms and return the favor.
History of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV
Knights of the Free State of Nickajack
The First Alabama Cavalry, United States Volunteers
By Steve Ross
excerpted from:
“Military Roll Call: The Littrell Family
of Mississippi County, Missouri”
Chapter 1. The Revolution. (click here)
also: Littrell Family Veterans Video
"Walking Among The Stones: The Littrell Family of
Lawrence County, Tennessee & Mississippi County, Missouri
Chapter 2. The Lost Littrell Cemetery.
reposted from 11-5-2016: 75 / 122 / 185
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Cassandra Urban: Born On the 4th of July
Cassandra Urban was born July 04, 1831 in Alabama, and died July 21, 1912. He married Susannah L.E. Landtroop (#114) Abt. 1855, daughter of Stith Landtroop and Mary. She was born May 27, 1837 in Alabama ??, and died November 29, 1908.(1)
Cassandra Urban was the son of Cassander Urban and Catherine Wise, the census information on the 1860 and 1870 Census shows Cassandra as being born in Alabama in 1834. Unfortunately, family oral history and Census information provided by some of Cassandra’s children indicates that he was born in Prussia and spoke German. He may have very well spoke German but the 1860 and 1870 Census, clearly establishes his birthplace as Alabama.(2)
Marriage information on Cassander & Catherine substantiates the birthplace of Cassandra as Alabama as they were married in Lauderdale County, Alabama, June 2, 1830. Family oral history and the inconsistent spelling of Cassandra and his fathers name have combined to confuse them with each other. It is most probable that the elder Cassander, husband of Catherine Wise, was born in Prussia and migrated to Lauderdale County, Alabama sometime before 1830, and had at least one son (Cassandra) who spoke some German.
Urban Lane
Cassandra was a ‘Southern Unionist’, a Union soldier from a Confederate state. Along with his brother-in-law Stith J. Landtroop, Cassandra served with Company B, 1st Alabama Cavalry. The northern Union Army had at least one unit from every Confederate state made up of southern unionist. One of every ten southern soldier served in the Union Army.
For more on our Urban ancestry click here. and then sroll down the page.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Misc. Draft Cards: World War I–Littrell Cousins Of John D. Littrell p3
Brothers: John David & Charles Fagan Littrell
Charles Fagan Littrell: I was unable to secure a registration from the back of this card. Fagon’s Navy Discharge date is noted as 1-7-1946.
John David Littrell: I was unable to secure a registration from the back of this card. John’s Navy Discharge date is noted as 4-18-1946.
There are two oddities about the draft cards of these two brothers.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The Parentage of Jessee & Rodhom Luttrell:
Over recent years, researchers and information junkies have tried to identify the parents of Jesse and Rodhom.
Most of the attempts in recent years have been links made based on coincidence or assumption involving circumstantial evidence. Coincidence and circumstantial evidence can aid or steer research in one direction or another but cannot be relied on by itself. This is the difference between research and information collection. Internet information junkies and bucket shop commercial operations are constantly obtaining researched and un-researched family trees, mixing them into a large database and representing the database as a resource. Not verifying what little research they are supported by or comparing them for accuracy they just present them for duplication.
In the case of Rodhom and Jessee:
More often than not they have been linked to parents:
- with their offspring extensively established in written records, but no mention of Rodhom or Jessee?
- often the connection has been based on geographical locations being similar,
- surname and Christian name similarities,
- or a total lack of information on supposed parents that would provide confirmation or rebuttal to the conclusion.
Such is the case with both Rodham and Jessie. When additional evidence is asked for it turns out it is seldom produced or valid.
Geographical and name similarities can be useful, just as the absence from wills and probate records does not mean non-existence, these forms of evidence must be substantiated.
The latest connection of Jesse to a parent is that he is listed as the child of Michael Litral and Anna Shelton Litral. While the dates may line-up and their locations may often shadow each other that is also true with many others in the group that migrated and settled together over the Virginia-Kentucky-Tennessee-Alabama/Illinois/Arkansas 50 year migration. These circumstances and similarities must be supported by collaborating evidence.
In this case, there is a problem with this identification if you look past these circumstances.
Looking only at the Luttrell family lines and there being no probate records or will or birth records to verifier or dispute the connection to Michael & Anna, it would on the surface appear to be a reasonable conclusion, but in truth 'assumption' not 'conclusion' would be a more appropriate word. On the other hand, if you also look at the Shelton side of this arrangement you will find that Jesse Luttrell married Clary Shelton, his first wife that died in Kentucky. Clary was the sister of Anna Shelton which means that Jesse would have been marrying his own aunt.
Who and Why I believe the parents of Rodham and Jesse was….
Robert and Lydia Luttrell.
Robert Luttrell of Fauquier County Virginia does not have a will on record and because Robert Luttrell migrated from Fauquier County we have not located any death records on him either.
- The example of similar geographical and similar names applies here too, but limited as mentioned above.
- Robert is living with one son, Robert Jr, on several occasions which makes their connection, along with other information conclusive.
- Rodhom and Jesse belong to the same Second Creek Primitive Baptist Church as late as 1834 in Tennessee.
- Early records indicate that Robert SR. paid taxes for Jesse & Rodhom. This is the closest we come to establishing a parenting connection.
- Family lore has an occasion referred to Robert as a good uncle the inference being that he aided younger relatives either through shelter, patronage, or apprenticeships. If this is the case between Robert senior and the Young Jesse and Rodham then this would establish Robert senior to be at least some sort of Guardian for the two.
- Some oral history has survived over generations (in both family branches) that serves to identify traveling family visits between two brothers, the aged Jesse and Rodhom.
It is for these reasons I identify Robert Jr, Jesse, and Rodham as brothers and the children of Robert & Lydia. At the very least they are cousins to each other and while maybe not their biological father Robert SR was their benefactor and guardian.
One of the most common problems in doing family research is the fact that there will always be a point where you reach an ancestor that you just cannot find their parents. This is inevitable because record keeping and preservation of family stories have never been as consistent, routine or as important as 'eat, sleep, and survive'. They have never been priorities of our natural order. In doing family research there will always be an ancestor that there is no written or oral record of., or hopefully the record of that ancestor just hasn't been discovered yet.
Such has been the case for three ancestors in this families ancestral line: James, the original immigrant, and the two brothers mentioned above, Jesse and Rodham.
28 years of my own research, a lifetime of research by genealogist William Q. Hill, as well as Elston Luttrell and Laura Luttrell in the 1800s have yielded no concrete record of birth or death that contains the name of their parents. Irrefutable evidence or statements do not exist, yet.
I try to rely on the rules of evidence. In comparison to others that brag of ' a hundred thousand name database I only have a database of 10,000+ names. But these names are researched, not just 'collected'. My database consist of researched Luttrells and connected families including unidentified persons and orphaned family trees in the hope of eventually connecting them.
Monday, June 18, 2018
John Steven Littrell:
Outline Descendant Report for Jesse Luttrell:
1 Jesse Luttrell b: Bef. 1774, d: Bef. 17 Mar 1840 in Lauderdale, Alabama, USA
+ Frances Shelton m: 07 Jun 1806 in Adair County, Kentucky,
d: Bef. 17 Mar 1840
...2 Jessee Literal b: 25 Dec 1820 in Lawrence, Tennessee, USA,
d: 30 Sep 1909 in Alabama ??
+ Sarah Jane Walker b: 08 Nov 1823, m: 24 May 1843, d: 15 Mar 1900
......3 Joseph A. Litterell b: 20 Aug 1847 in Alabama, USA, d: 20 Oct 1923
+ Frances E. Freeman b: 04 Oct 1864,
m: 20 Jan 1884 in Lawrence, Tennessee,
d: 04 Apr 1939
.........4 John Steve Littrell b: 25 Nov 1886 in Alabama, USA,
d: 20 Nov 1969 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
+ Inez Othello Bailey b: 12 Jun 1892 in Tennessee, USA,
d: 26 Aug 1982 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
On the 1930 census, John's name is spelled Littrell. If you notice the varied spellings above this appears to be the point that this branch finalizes their spelling as "LITTRELL". Georgia Eva is not with the family on this census or the 1940 census. She would have been 15 in 1930... married? The family lived in Florence Alabama at 618 E. Tuscaloosa St. a house they rented for $10 a month. John and Inez were married at ages 22 and 16, respectively. Both could read and write. John worked at a stone foundry (can't make out occupation/skill).
On the 1940 census the family is still living in Florence but now at 155 W. Royal Ave., they are paying $18 a month for rent. As in 1930 they and all their children are still living together, except Georgia Eva. They have been living there since at least 1935. John's occupation is more legible and appears to be "mounter" at a "Stove foundry" where he made $900 in 1939. Alvin Arnold appears to be a 'wrapper' at a bakery where his earnings for 1939 were $552.
Theckla D. is an 'operator' at a 'beauty shop'. John, Alvin, and Theckla al say they were employed for 52 weeks in 1939, but Theckla does not list her income. John says he works a 48 work week, Alvin says a 99 hour work week, and Theckla a 60 hour work week.
Could this stove foundry be Martin Stove & Range Company, Martin Stove & Range Company? In 1905 the Martin brothers purchased the company from King Hardware. Shortly after that, they bought the Florence foundry and began making cast-iron cookware under both the King and Martin names.
Outline Descendant Report for John Steve Littrell
1 John Steve Littrell b: 25 Nov 1886 in Alabama, USA,
d: 20 Nov 1969 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
+ Inez Othello Bailey b: 12 Jun 1892 in Tennessee, USA,
d: 26 Aug 1982 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
...2 Alvin Arnold Littrell b: 12 Jun 1812 in Alabama, USA, d: 11 Feb 1970
...2 Georgia Eva Littrell b: 1915 in Alabama, USA,
d: 23 Jan 1982 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA
+ Ralph Bernard Christian
...2 Theckla D. Littrell b: 17 Oct 1916 in Alabama, USA,
d: 16 Nov 1983 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
+ Thomas Lee Watkins
...2 Milton E. Littrell b: 1919 in Alabama, USA, d: 17 May 1943 in Margarten, Limburg, Netherlands
...2 Charles Fagan Littrell b: 08 Jul 1923 in Colbert, Alabama, USA,
d: 14 Oct 1982 in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, USA
+ [unknown spouse]
......3 Fagan Littrell
+ [unknown spouse]
.........4 Steven Littrell
...2 John David Littrell b: 22 Feb 1926 in Lauderdale Co., Alabama, USA,
d: 10 Feb 2017 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
+ Mary Ruth Carroll
......3 John David Littrell b: 31 Aug 1950, d: 09 Aug 1998
......3 Phillip Littrell
......3 Donald Littrell Littrell
...2 Fredrick Thomas Littrell b: 1929 in Alabama, USA,
d: 05 Jun 1998 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA
...2 Howard Littrell b: 22 May 1931 in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA,
d: 28 Dec 1984 in Sheffield, Colbert, Alabama, USA
November 22, 1969 "Florence Times - Tri-Cities Daily"
Florence, Alabama
John Steve Littrell, 83, of Florence died Thursday at his residence. He was a native of Lauderdale County. Funeral services were held today at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home with Rev. Albert Hill officiating. Burial was in Florence Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Inez Othella (Bailey) Littrell; his daughters, Georgia Eva Belle Christian of Nashville, Tennessee and Thekla Watkins of Florence; his sons, Charles Fagon Littrell of Russellville, Kentucky, and Alvin Arnold Littrell, Fred Thomas Littrell, Howard O'Neal Littrell, and John David Littrell, all of Florence; his sisters, Etta Stover of Hartselle, Lona Ella Hale and Nora Myrtle Burney, both of Cullman, Mary Patterson of Decatur, and Minnie Pearl Marston of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee; his brother, Moses Hampton Littrell of New York, New York; and sixteen grandchildren.
Jessee Luttrell:
Jessee Luttrell was the son of Robert & Lydia Luttrell of Fauquier County Virginia. He was part of a post-Revolutionary War migration of at least 2 brothers & 6 cousins into Kentucky.
Eventually 2 sets of brothers:
- Michael, Lott, Richard, and Nathan (sons of Michael and Dinah)
- Jessee, Robert, and Rodham (sons of Robert and Lydia )
Along with another cousin, John (son of John & Winnefred Lawrence Luttrell) and a collection of Sheltons and Rutherfords all would venture thru the Cumberland Gap and continue on the Wilderness road that their North Carolina cousin, Col. John Luttrell, had blazed with Daniel Boone to central and southcentral Kentucky.
These Luttrells, Sheltons, Rutherfords and their descendants would intermarry, settle and raise families in Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, and Alabama.
This group, the "Allied Families", would first settle the south and central area of Kentucky. They would homestead, marry, and prosper.
From here a subgroup would migrate to Illinois (heretofore we will refer to this group as the 'Illinois Group'), and another group (including Jessee and his brother Rodham) would migrate to Tennessee along the southern border with Alabama (heretofore we will refer to this group as the 'TN/AL Group'). Other's (including Jesse's brother Robert) would remain in Kentucky (the KY Group). All three groups contained members or descendants of the original Allied Family.
Among the group that would move on from KY to TN were:
- Rodham, Jessee & Francis Shelton Luttrell: Luttrell brothers and their families.
- Vardeman Shelton, Peter & Mary Graham Shelton, Dudley & Catherine Shelton Rutherford, and Eliphas Shelton: siblings above.
- At least one of James Shelton's offspring, David Shelton, made the journey to TN/AL.
- Lott Luttrell would pass away in TN/AL., Nathan Luttrell and several off-spring, Michael Litral who would later migrate to IL. All three are siblings
- John Luttrell: cousin from an 'orphan' branch.
Years later, prior to the Civil War, there was another migration consisting of some descendants of the above into the Laurence and Randolph Counties of Arkansas. Others ended up in Missouri.
- Many of Nathan Luttrell and Richard Luttrell (deceased in KY), descendants would end up in Texas.
Jesse would have 129 descendants over the next five generation.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Albert Rubin Littrell: 1930-2004
Ruben is a son of John & Kizzie (Comer) Littrell
On the 21stof December, 1951 Ruben and Shiley Anita Nelsn when to probate court in New Madrid to obtain a marriage license. On the next day they received the license and were married in Marston by Elder Ottie Brown The license was recorded on the 24 of December, 1951.
Ruben and Shirley would have 3 children:
- Richard Rubin Littrell: “Yes, that would be me. Richard was married to my mother Linda Lou and they divorced years ago before he married the next Linda. They had my brother and I in 76 and 77. We are his only natural children. Richard only adopted one child named Lynn Albert who lived with my parents (Linda and David) until he was 16. My brother and I were both adopted by our father David. We were still very close to Richard as my mother, brother and Lynn were with him the day he passed away. Our family spent Christmas before he passed in the hospital with him. My parents and Richard were very close. My brother Bubba (Richard Jr) came to Missouri in 96 with Emma and Ralph to visit. I am not sure if you were there during that time. As for the Littrell descendent that I was engaged to, I did not end up marrying him and never really found out how close we were in the Littrell family.
email from Robin Angeline Littrell,6-24-2010 - Betty Rachelle Littrell: Rachelle had on daughter, Felicia Ann Littrell.
- Felicia E. Littrell: Felicia died on February 5th, 1966 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is burried in Mounds Cemetery, New Madrid County, MO.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Misc. Draft Cards: World War I–Littrell Cousins Of John D. Littrell p2
September 12, 1918 must have been ‘Draft Registration Day’ in Lawrence County, Tennessee as Grandpa John, his brothers, the cousins listed below (except one), and many others registered on that day.
Son’s of George Littrell uncle of Grandpa John D. Littrell.
John Thomas Littrell:
Thomas Avery Littrell
Turner William Littrell: *
All the family draft cards discovered and identified for World War I are dated Sept., 12 1918 except Turner’s. Turner, age 26, registered 15 months earlier in June of 1917. The June 1917 draft was for ages 21-31 which meant Turner. The September 1918 draft was the third round of the WW I draft when the draft was expanded to as young as 18 and as old as 45 which included everyone else on this page.
Edward Jasper Littrell
WWI Draft Registration Cards, Selective Service Registration Cards, World War I: PMGO Form No. 1 RED
*During World War I there were three registrations.
- The first, on June 5, 1917, was for all men between the ages of 21 and 31.
- The second, on June 5, 1918, registered those who attained age 21 after June 5, 1917. (A supplemental registration was held on August 24, 1918, for those becoming 21 years old after June 5, 1918. This was included in the second registration.)
- The third registration was held on September 12, 1918, for men age 18 through 45.
Monday, June 11, 2018
The Littrell brothers Draft Cards World War II and Korea:
Redford Littrell: notice the description of residence “1/2 mile northwest of Anniston…” Maybe this can help us locate the farm they lived on out side of Anniston. Date: 2-16-1942, World War II.
John Daniel Littrell, JR: AKA Junior Dolan, AKA JD. 6-30-1942 the World War II draft. Issued In Union Co., KY
Leslie Albert Littrell: Uncle Les, 12-9-1946, the Korean War Draft.
Redford “NMN” Littrell: Notice the “(first name only)” notation for Uncle Red’s middle name above. The family story is that Red’s military records had the letters “NMN” in place of his middle name because he didn’t have one. This was not unusual as not everyone had a three-part name; first, middle, last. It wasn’t until the advent of Social Security that people were required to have a middle name. This was a dilemma for the Littrell family as middle names were not consistently used.
It appears that Rubin, Red, and maybe Les didn’t initially have middle names. We aren’t sure about Les as he was named after his Uncle Leslie A. Comer who may have been Leslie Albert Comer. This is speculative though as Leslie often went by LA Comer and some in the Comer family believe the “LA” stood for Lester A.
All the children of Kizzie & John may have had middle names but over the years just forgot them or since Kizzie and John didn’t use them they were not aware of them. This born out by the double initial names of JD and OJ. ( as late as the 1940 census JD and OJ are still referred to only by their initials.
When faced with the need for a full three-part name we know that Rubin made up his middle name (also Albert) and when signing up for the WPA CCC Camps OJ had to make up full names for himself and JD: Oliver James and Junior Dolan. We have no idea the authenticity of Oliver James, but we now believe we have found proof that JD was actually John Daniel which would have made him John Daniel Littrell, JR., thus OJ’s use of Junior. Where he got Dolan from is a mystery.
By the time JD did his draft card, he was already using Junior Dolan, even though this was a short time after being given that name by OJ… he is still working at the CCC camp in Breckinridge, Kentucky.
This would not be the only connection between JD and Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky. After returning from Korea in 1952 he would be stationed there (in the Army) were his second son Glenn (me) was born. more on Camp Breckinridge, KY.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Lindsay P. & Bertha Ann (Littrell) Thurman:
On the 23rd of September, 1938, Lindsay (Boydie) Thurman of Anniston, age 21 and Bertha Ann Littrell of Charleston* (see footnote), age 19 obtained a marriage license(application) in Charleston, Missouri.
Two years later we find Boydie and Bertha, now married, living in Anniston. On the 1940 census (below, lines 74 &75) they are renting and paying $6 a month rent. None of their neighbors are listed as living on farmland so it is probably a safe assumption (proven below) that they are living in town. Boydie’s employment is listed as a grocery store clerk working 60 hours a week in previous weeks. He says he was employed and working 52 weeks in the previous year earning $420.
Both Boydie and Bertha are listed as being 21 years old* and having finished one year of high school. (col 11 & 14)
Living next door to Boydie and Bertha is the family of Ben Merrick (lines 70-73).
Four months after the census Boydie would register for the draft (WW II). Boydie would list Ben Merrick as his employer.
On the 1940 census, Ben was listed as an engineer for Missouri Power (industry or company name?). Ben list his income as $940 for 1939 and no additional income.
Did Boydie leave his job and go to work for Ben in the months between the census and registering for the draft? Did Ben own the grocery store that Boydie worked at but didn’t report the additional income? On the census, Ben owned his residence and listed its value at $700. Were Bertha and Boydie renting a room from Ben?
From the two news articles below, we can deduce that Ben Merrick was at least their landlord and owned an apartment building that at least had a café on the ground floor at the time of the articles. The articles also shed a little more light on the family story concerning the family’s business’ in Anniston.
Sikeston Herald Archives |
THREE FIRE DEPARTMENTS FIGHT ANNISTON A fire which threatened the entire community for a short time, completely destroyed two buildings at Anniston Thursday. The Del Hatton family, which occupied an apartment in one of the buildings barely escaped from the burning structure. According to witnesses, the fire started in the second floor apartment of the Hatton's in the Ben Merrick building. They said a Kerosene stove exploded as Mrs. Hatton was preparing breakfast The blaze apparently spread the metal covered building in a short time since occupants were unable to save any fixtures from it. A café operated by Lee Bird was located on one side of the building on the ground floor. An apartment occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor was located on the other side. The fire spread to the Phil Tatum home next door to the Merrick building. The home was completely destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Tatum were only able to save a small amount of furniture. Four other nearby homes were afire at the height of the blaze but firetrucks and crews from Cairo, Charleston, and East Prairie were able to save the houses. Cairo sent two trucks, Charleston one, and East Prairie one. An attempt was made to call Sikeston but the message was not received here,” Sikeston Herald Archives, Jun 5, 1952, p. 9 *** "Mr and Mrs, Boydie Thurman moved again last week from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coffer Property to the Ben Merrick apartments where they formerly lived and operated the café. Mrs. Thurman's brother, Leslie Littrell has taken over the café again which he recently sold to the Arnolds. Mrs. Thurman will help her brother in the café while Mr. Thurman is employed at the Home oil Station in Charleston." Sikeston Daily Standard Archives, Nov 15, 1951, p. 6 |
*It is not uncommon for there to be omissions and errors on marriage, death, birth certificates, and census records. Even the most diligent county clerk or census taker has a bad day, or over time becomes a little less methodical. Sometimes the information is being given third hand or being entered at a later date from handwritten notes. Sometimes everyone isn't present when the forms are being filled out and those present guess at answers such as age, birthplace etc. And last but not least there is sometimes minor deceptions, little white lies, at play to expedite the process.
Any of these can be in play here in regards to Bertha's place of residence on her marriage license where it states she is a resident of Charleston, or maybe she was living there with a sibling. In the case of the two year age difference between Boydie and Bertha on the Marriage License and the no age difference on the census. This should not be of concern. If only one of the two were home when the census taker arrived misstating ages would be an innocent mistake.
Additionally, sometimes the obvious need to connect the dots from one document to another needs to be tempered with undocumented information. Such as the case of her statement on the census says she was living in 'same place' in 1935 as she lives in 1940. We know that in 1935 she was a minor and living with her parents who had not yet moved to East Prairie. By 'same place' the census was saying 'same town', Anniston, not same place meaning apartment or building.
Boydie would eventually serve in the Army Air Corp
Questions, comments, or answers? Use the comment link below, or comment on the facebook group page, or email me at
Friday, June 1, 2018
The Littrell brothers Draft Cards World War I: John D., James C., E. Presley.
September 12, 1918 in Lawrence County, Tennessee Grandpa John and his brothers registered for the draft.
John Daniel Littrell
James Carroll Littrell
Eli Presley Littrell
Dated September 12th, 1918, John Daniel Littrell registered for the draft at age 33, giving his birthday as January 26th, 1884 and living in Loretta Tennessee (Lawrence County). From what I can make out he lived on Route 2. (see updated notation below*)
His description is giving as a white, native-born, self-employed farmer. His nearest relative is shown as Grandma Kizzie (Comer) Littrell. John signed the document.
On the reverse side of the card, John is described as medium height, medium build, blue eyes and dark colored hair. The registration card makes no references to draft status other than to state Grandpa John has not lost any limbs, eyes, or suffers from any physical disqualification. At 33 years of age and having a family it is probable that he was not under threat of conscription (the war ended 60 days after Grandpa John registered). We know from our own research and family knowledge that John never served in the military, even though he had seven sons and son-in-law's that did serve through World War II, Korea, and the Cold War.
During World War I there were three registrations. (Grandpa John was too old for the first two.)
- The first, on June 5, 1917, was for all men between the ages of 21 and 31.
- The second, on June 5, 1918, registered those who attained age 21 after June 5, 1917. (A supplemental registration was held on August 24, 1918, for those becoming 21 years old after June 5, 1918. This was included in the second registration.)
- The third registration was held on September 12, 1918, for men age 18 through 45.
Lawrence County Registration Card, Registrar's Report P.M.G.O. Form No. 1 (Red) Lawrenceburg, Lawrence County, Tennessee. Provost Marshal General (Office of)
Rural Free Delivery (RFD) is a service which began in the United States in the late 19th century, to deliver mail directly to rural farm families. Prior to RFD, individuals living in more remote homesteads had to pick up mail themselves at sometimes distant post offices or pay private carriers for delivery. RFD became a political football, with politicians promising it to voters and using it themselves to reach voters. The proposal to offer free rural delivery was not universally embraced. Private carriers and local shopkeepers feared a loss of business. The United States Post Office Department began experiments with Rural Free Delivery as early as 1890. However, it was not until 1893, when Georgia Congressman Thomas E. Watson pushed through legislation, that the practice was mandated. However, universal implementation was slow; RFD was not adopted generally in the United States Post Office until 1902. The rural delivery service uses a network of rural routes traveled by carriers to deliver and pick up mail to and from roadside mailboxes.57
Unidentified, unknown Littrells/Luttrels Tennessee(all spellings)
These are individuals that I have come across over the years that I have not been able to connect with any known, major, branch. In some cases they are a name on a single document (source) and no more, but sometimes they are multi-generations groups.
I am more than willing to share information as can be witnessed by reviewing this website, but you have to be willing to reciprocate. If you recognize a name and want to know more about that person, what you see is what I have, but if you can tell me more then I might be able to connect them to the missing link. That's what we are both looking for… who is the ancestor, child or sibling of someone in this list.
These are people I found in Tennessee. That doesn’t mean they were born-lived-and died in Tennessee. They could very well be someone you found in another state. I will be posting list from other states, but any names in other states have not been connected to these names. That's something else were all looking for… so we have to be willing to share.
If your new to this type of research you should realize that you can’t get fixated on how your family spells the Littrell name, or any names, including first names and nicknames.
Email me your queries and information at:
Index of Individuals
Name Birth Marriage Death
Letrall, Richard |
Literel, Samuel Pierre |
24 Apr 1854 |
20 Apr 1881 |
Walker, Sylvesta |
Litral, Garland Gaston |
16 Mar 1898 |
[Litral], Effie |
Litteral, Delilah Parlee |
Gold, James Thomas |
Litteral, Jackson |
18 Nov 1847 |
Bef. Oct 1856 |
Webb, Julie Ann |
Litteral, Lidwell T. |
Haley, Harriet |
Litteral, Robert W. |
28 May 1846 |
03 Feb 1873 |
Litteral, William N. |
B.27 May 1832 |
06 Sep 1871 |
Litterell, Rachel21 |
Jul 1859 |
Wilson, James |
Littrel, Wilford |
20 Jan 1818 |
Bef. 1849 |
27 Mar 1903 |
Melton, Mary F. |
Littrell, Alexander |
1858 |
20 Apr 1889 |
Bef. 1900 |
McClure, Jennie |
Littrell, George Norris |
12 Aug 1916 |
Bordenave, Lorraine Felicie |
Littrell, Helen Joyce |
17 Jul 1927 |
15 May 1948 |
Delahoussaye, Lynn |
Littrell, Henry |
1855 |
12 Jul 1877 |
Littrell, James |
Littrell, James Henry |
1880 |
Setser, Ruth Belle |
Littrell, James Henry |
05 Nov 1888 |
Littrell, James Martin Leroy |
1827 |
27 Oct 1842 |
1900 |
Taylor, Martha Frances |
Littrell, James Martin Leroy |
21 Mar 1865 |
25 Feb 1889 |
25 Feb 1940 |
May, Susan Catherine |
Littrell, Jennie Eudora |
25 Apr 1907 |
Abt. 1923 |
17 Jul 1987 |
Milan, Herman |
Littrell, Joe |
20 Aug 1877 |
[Littrell], Dora |
Littrell, John Charles Pleasant |
25 May 1844 |
05 Mar 1932 |
McClure, Mariah E. |
Littrell, John Martin Gilbert |
25 Mar 1905 |
16 Aug 1925 |
30 Aug 1971 |
Thomas, Irene |
Littrell, Julias Edgar |
01 Dec 1894 |
Littrell, Linnie Sebastian |
27 Mar 1894 |
[Littrell], Unnamed |
Littrell, Mae Joan |
12 Jul 1938 |
Littrell, Mary |
Abt. 1856 |
Bef. 1870 |
Littrell, Myra Elizabeth |
1864 |
20 Jul 1885 |
1952 |
Bryant, Andrew |
Littrell, Nancy Frances |
21 Aug 1890 |
16 Nov 1913 |
19 Nov 1967 |
Colston, Knox |
Littrell, Nancy Francis |
21 Mar 1865 |
Aft. 1900 |
Preston, J. |
Littrell, Rosa May |
Mar 1900 |
04 Aug 1919 |
13 Oct 1939 |
Latham, Michael A. |
Littrell, Ruby Jean |
25 Jun 1943 |
Coggin, James Frank |
Littrell, Soloman M. L. |
1849 |
Bef. 1860 |
Littrell, William Clyde |
12 Apr 1909 |
25 Apr 1931 |
14 Jan 1982 |
Erwins, Anita |
Littrell, William Thomas |
1859 |
1936 |
Syler, Nancy |
Littrell, Zora Ann |
23 Nov 1898 |
19 Jul 1914 |
21 Jun 1940 |
Beddingfield, George Earl |
Littrill, Andrew Thomas |
22 Jun 1876 |
[Littrell], Bettie |
Littrell, Ruby Jean |
Lovelace, Doyle Leo |
Lutrell, Fannie |
Lance, George |
Luttrell, Ace |
Abt. 1873 |
Feb 1918 |
Luttrell, Agnes Leona |
20 May 1895 |
12 Nov 1912 |
10 Sep 1984 |
Morgan, Henry William |
Luttrell, Aisley |
Bet. 1825–1830 |
21 Sep 1955 |
Jordan, J. L. |
Luttrell, Al |
24 Oct 1930 |
Luttrell, Alta Doris |
20 Mar 1920 |
27 Jul 1938 |
Jolly, James Arnold |
Luttrell, Baby |
29 Sep 1918 |
29 Sep 1918 |
Luttrell, Calvin |
17 May 1847 |
Luttrell, Caroline |
Pennington, Claiborne |
Luttrell, Cecil |
06 May 1888 |
28 Sep 1893 |
Luttrell, Charles Tillman |
30 Apr 1859 |
29 Nov 1880 |
Abt. 1898 |
Ware, Sarah Constance |
Luttrell, David Crockett |
Schrader, Rosa Jane |
Luttrell, David Lee |
18 Jan 1854 |
Blackwell, Elizabeth |
Luttrell, Dillard |
20 Aug 1845 |
Luttrell, Eliza |
03 May 1843 |
Luttrell, Elizabeth Jane |
15 Nov 1831 |
Burton |
Luttrell, George Larkin |
13 Mar 1887 |
22 May 1919 |
08 Nov 1950 |
Self, Carrie Myrtle |
Luttrell, Hilden Olan |
18 Nov 1914 |
18 Jan 1917 |
Luttrell, Homer |
Luttrell, Hugh W. |
04 Jan 1843 |
Luttrell, Inda U. |
07 Jan 1883 |
03 Oct 1884 |
Luttrell, James |
Bet. 1810–1820 |
Wife, Unknown |
Luttrell, James Madison |
07 Mar 1827 |
11 Nov 1943 |
Luttrell, James Thomas |
22 Jan 1888 |
Golden, Martha Ann |
Luttrell, John |
Luttrell, John |
08 Sep 1858 |
Duke, Caroline |
Luttrell, John Andrew |
11 Oct 1833 |
17 Jul 1845 |
Luttrell, John William |
11 Dec 1868 |
25 May 1946 |
Clark, Frances Lula |
Luttrell, Laura Maude |
25 Nov 1888 |
30 Mar 1905 |
16 Sep 1941 |
Marshal, Oscar Turner |
Luttrell, Lot |
Bet. 1810–1820 |
Luttrell, Lott |
21 Aug 1829 |
08 Dec 1843 |
Luttrell, Louisa Jane |
17 Apr 1835 |
25 Sep 1908 |
Bowers, John |
Luttrell, Louise Josephine |
12 Nov 1881 |
1909 |
Luttrell, Lucinda S. |
04 Apr 1845 |
Bowers |
Luttrell, Mabel Isola |
22 Mar 1884 |
05 Oct 1972 |
Whitlock, Willaim Dolphus |
Luttrell, Martha Ann |
23 Jan 1841 |
Horner |
Luttrell, Martha Jane |
12 Jul 1848 |
Fannon, William |
Luttrell, Martin |
23 Aug 1851 |
Luttrell, Mary Ann |
Luttrell, Mary Ann |
21 Apr 1839 |
Burton |
Luttrell, Mary Ann |
03 Apr 1842 |
06 Jan 1858 |
12 Dec 1917 |
Shelton, Eliphaz Greene Berry |
Luttrell, Matilda |
1848 |
1935 |
Pairsad |
Luttrell, Metildy |
11 Jun 1816 |
Lance, Clayton Nate |
Luttrell, Moly |
07 Oct 1819 |
Luttrell, N. C. |
Luttrell, Nancy Viola |
Browder, Thomas C. |
Luttrell, Newton |
09 Dec 1847 |
Howard, Juliana |
Luttrell, Nina Lorraine |
31 Jul 1916 |
Aug 1984 |
Thedford |
Luttrell, Ophelia |
Luttrell, Paizada |
11 Jul 1849 |
Luttrell, Pleasant |
Bet. 1800–1810 |
Luttrell, Raker |
09 Nov 1846 |
1849 |
Broadaway, Elizabeth |
Luttrell, Richard Edward |
30 Sep 1885 |
Luttrell, Robert Franklin |
Luttrell, Robert J. |
16 Mar 1837 |
Smallwood, Elizabeth |
Luttrell, Robert W. |
16 Mar 1803 |
03 Nov 1886 |
Raines, Nancy |
Luttrell, Roy Talmadge |
04 Oct 1890 |
26 Dec 1913 |
18 May 1961 |
Hollandsworth, Minnie Alice |
Luttrell, Roy Talmadge |
01 Dec 1927 |
Feb 1998 |
Luttrell, Sanders |
Luttrell, Sanders |
05 Mar 1815 |
Boyd, Elizabeth |
Luttrell, Sarah |
Luttrell, Sarah Ann |
28 May 1828 |
Abt. 1848 |
Hockaday, Samuel |
Luttrell, Sarah Elizabeth |
Hawk, James |
Luttrell, Silva |
Luttrell, Sylvia Jane |
14 Apr 1835 |
Luttrell, Thomas |
Bet. 1780–1790 |
Bef. 1857 |
[Luttrell], Anna |
Luttrell, Thomas Abner |
21 Sep 1850 |
03 Sep 1874 |
01 Jun 1934 |
Mims, Elizabeth Benton |
Luttrell, Thornton |
03 Mar 1822 |
29 Oct 1846 |
12 Aug 1902 |
Heath, Sophia Elizabeth P. |
Luttrell, Unevista |
28 Aug 1875 |
28 Aug 1875 |
Luttrell, Warren Gordan |
19 Dec 1920 |
28 Sep 1990 |
Luttrell, Wesley |
08 Dec 1851 |
Bef. Aug 1856 |
Pruitt, Lucille |
Luttrell, Willaim C. |
01 May 1847 |
Luttrell, William |
Luttrell, William D. |
21 Dec 1896 |
29 Jun 1953 |
Luttrell, William H. |
Luttrell, William Jackson |
03 Mar 1845 |
18 Sep 1879 |
06 Feb 1929 |
Campbell, Lubertha |
1789 |
Abt. 1814 |
Bef. 1820 |
Harpole, Delilah |