On our recent road trip to St. Louis and SE Missouri I was doing some research at the New Madrid Library when I came across the following newspaper article from a summer of 1935 paper.
The article doesn’t really relate to our family, but I just found it so interesting, and slightly funny, that I wanted to share it:
Richard Treece, 33, of near Portageville, is in the Pemiscott County jail at Caruthersville charged with assault with intent to kill in connection with the shooting Tuesday of Harvey Autry, 31 years old, also of near Portageville. Autry, who suffered several gunshot wounds, was taken to the City Hospital in St. Louis.
Sherriff S. E. Judin, of Caruthersville, quoted Treece as saying. “I warned him to keep away from my home. I told him if he wanted my wife, to just take her and quit bothering around my home while I was away.”
Treece, it seems, had told his wife he was going hunting and had hidden nearby in the brush. He told the sheriff that soon after he was hidden Autry came and asked his (Treece’s) wife where he was.
According to Treece, his wife told Autry that her husband had gone hunting and then Autry* said “he would go down the road and return.” Then Treece came from his hiding place and fired three times at Autry.
Sheriff Juden stated that Treece would be held until the extent of Autry’s injuries could be determined.
Both men are farmers south of Portageville in Pemiscott county".
- The Weekly Record, New Madrid, Missouri; 1935 (issue # ‘lost’ The article appeared in an issue from May, June or July. GlennDL 2013
Shot three times and had to be taken all the way to St. Louis to be treated? Can you imagine…
*In the article its says “…then Treece said…”, but it is an obvious typo and should have said “Autry” not “Treece”.
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